CBD for Functional Brain Health and Mental Health

Most people are familiar with the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, CBD causes no such cognitive impairment. In fact, CBD has been shown to support brain health, both functional and mental clarity, in several interesting and positive ways. 

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System 

The body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) is made up of extremely sensitive receptors which act as neurotransmitters. The CB1 and CB2 receptors are found throughout the body’s central nervous system and within the peripheral nervous system. The ECS serves many purposes such as regulating your cognitive processes that govern memory, appetite, immune response, stress, and pain perception. 

The Effects of THC and CBD on the ECS 

The cannabis plant is brimming with over 110 cannabinoids that all have the ability to bind by varying degrees to the ECS receptors to create a whole-body experience. THC closely mimics the body’s anandamide and the CB1 receptors which is what results in its famous psychoactive effects. Anandamide is often referred to as the body’s ‘bliss molecule’ and is what can create feelings of euphoria. CBD does not interact in the same way nor does it produce any euphoric or mind-altering effects, but this does not mean that it has no positive impact on the brain’s mental functions. 

CBD Effects on the Brain 

CBD merges very loosely with the CB1 receptors and can block the ability of THC to cause any sort of euphoric effects by inhibiting the anandamide. However, CBD binds very well with the body’s CB2 receptors to create beneficial brain and functional effects. 

Blood Flow Reduction 

The Journal of Psychopharmacology published a study that looked at CBD for the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The participants in the study reported feeling better when they used CBD to relieve anxiety. Researchers performed brain scans and noticed that there were noticeable changes to the blood flow in areas of the brain that are commonly related to anxiety. 

Potential Alzheimer’s Treatment

Research into the use of CBD as a possible Alzheimer’s treatment or preventative is ongoing. However, there is promise that it might prove beneficial in helping with the degenerative brain disorder. Many theorize that oxidative stress has an impact on the brain and might play a role in the development of not only Alzheimer’s disease but also Parkinson’s disease and atherosclerosis. 

The body’s CB2 receptors work naturally to cope with oxidative damage. In a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, it was found that CBD used as a long term treatment appears to provide impressive neuroprotective, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

The Dementia Care Central also outlines the positive research being gained about the use of CBD in Alzheimer’s research. Without a doubt, inflammation has a negative impact on Alzheimer’s disease by causing the brain’s cell failure and leading to blockages, but the inflammation appears to be reduced when CBD is used. Once inflammation is lowered, oxygen is released to the brain’s cells. CBD use may have the ability to not only prevent but potentially reverse Alzheimer’s to a certain extent. 

Promotes Healthy Brain Cells

Many people accept a certain degree of age-related cognitive decline as a natural part of growing older. However, you can take steps to preserve your brain function and mental well-being. CBD might just help you preserve your mental health. 

Many things lead to cognitive declines such as lifestyle choices and genetics. Neuroplasticity and neurogenesis do slow with age naturally. Your brain simply doesn’t create as many new brain cells so your ability to learn new processes or reorganize might be delayed. If a person suffers a stroke or some other brain injury, the process becomes even more impaired. Brain cells regenerate less quickly or not at all. However, one study found that CBD helped to  increase neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. 

Depression and CBD 

Neurotransmitters play a role in depression for many individuals. Research has revealed that CBD increases the body’s levels of glutamate and serotonin which help control the brain’s function and mood. They also play a role in learning and memory. Creating homeostasis in such neurotransmitters appears to help relieve depression and might further boost brain function. 

The use of prescription antidepressant medications is not without side effects (sexual dysfunction, insomnia, agitation, and mood swings are just a few unpleasant side effects)  but they can take weeks to start rendering any benefits. In a recent 2019 study, CBD was shown to offer uplifting mood results quickly compared to other medications.  Not only were the results fast acting with CBD, but they were also long-lasting. Many people prefer to turn to CBD as a more natural option that has few (if any) side effects to cope with their mood swings and bouts of depression. 

CBD for Anxiety

Many people suffer from not only depression but also anxiety that has an impact on their everyday life. They are often unable to enjoy activities that once brought them happiness due to anxious feelings. Around the world, studies are underway to look at the benefits of CBD for anxiety. One impressive research article found that taking 600 mg of CBD per day reduced social anxiety in the study’s participants. Another study looked at the results of using a lower dose of CBD (300 mg) and found that the reduced amount was also just as effective at reducing anxiety. 

As with depression, anxiety has been linked to low levels of serotonin so CBD’s effect on the CB2 receptors which control serotonin appears to impact brain function in a positive and potentially beneficial way. 

At Also Organics, we offer CBD products derived from the highest-quality hemp grown organically in Oregon. We believe that balance comes from the inside out and that your brain’s health - both functional and mental - may benefit from CBD. Our full spectrum products offer the benefits of the entourage effect to create a whole-body experience the way Mother Nature intended. 

Please contact us to learn more about our CBD products.

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